Visual Studio Code 发布了 2024 年 11 月更新 1.96 版本

Visual Studio Code 2024 年 11 月 1.96 版本有许多更新,其中一些主要亮点包括:


Overtype mode - Switch between overwrite or insert mode in the editor

粘贴时添加导入--粘贴代码时自动添加缺失的 TS/JS 导入

Add imports on paste - Automatically add missing TS/JS imports when pasting code


Test coverage - Quickly filter which code is covered by a specific test


Move views - Easily move views between the Primary and Secondary Side Bar


Terminal ligatures - Use ligatures in the terminal


Extension allow list - Configure which extensions can be installed in your organization

使用 Copilot 调试 - 使用 copilot-debug 终端命令启动调试会话

Debug with Copilot - Use copilot-debug terminal command to start a debugging session

聊天上下文 - 添加符号和文件夹作为上下文 聊天和编辑

Chat context - Add symbols and folders as context Chat and Edits

从聊天转移到 Copilot 编辑 - 切换到 Copilot 编辑以应用聊天中的代码建议

Move from chat to Copilot Edits - Switch to Copilot Edits to apply code suggestions from Chat