Visual Studio Code 发布 VSCode1.89 版本

Visual Studio Code 发布 VSCode1.89 版本,2024年4月更新。

预览 Markdown 图像和视频 - 在链接上悬停可预览 Markdown 中的图像和视频。

Preview Markdown images & videos - Hover over a link to preview images & videos in Markdown.


Enhanced branch switching - Restore open editors seamlessly when switching between branches.


Middle-click paste support - Paste text quickly in the terminal using a mouse middle-click.

远程 SSH 上的 WSL - 通过远程 SSH 连接到远程机器时使用 WSL。

WSL over Remote - SSH - Use WSL when connected to a remote machine via Remote - SSH.

无障碍视图 - 在无障碍视图中浏览注释、聊天代码块和终端命令。

Accessible View - Navigate through comments, chat code blocks & terminal commands from the Accessible View.


Keyboard shortcuts for UI actions - Customize keybindings for UI actions directly with a right-click.


Quick Search - Search for text across your workspace with Quick Search.

人工智能重命名建议--通过 Copilot 在编辑器中获取智能重命名建议。

AI-powered rename suggestions - Get intelligent rename suggestions in the editor with Copilot.

Copilot 内容排除--排除在 Copilot 上下文中使用的文件。

Copilot content exclusion - Exclude files from being used in the Copilot context.


Local workspace extension - Include and install extensions directly in your workspace.